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Author: Emma Baumgardner

Hoos Up For Some Rugby?

Worthy Chaplain Dan Schmehl (’15) Rugby players are stereotypically viewed as brutes who enjoy drinking and womanizing after turning their opponents to mush. That may apply to those guys at Virginia Tech, but I’m more of an “imbibing” and “philandering” kind of guy — much classier…   I’m one of the men on the UVA […]


Improvements Continue At 125 Chancellor

Matt Terry (’02) We completed two high-priority projects – the foyer floor and the water lines – last summer, and that will allow us to tackle several smaller, but key, projects this summer. As many of you have no doubt noticed, the original bricks forming the front walkway have eroded and become uneven. Furthermore, the […]


Board of Trustees Update

Matt Terry (’02) After 10 years volunteering on the Board of Trustees and serving the last five years as Chairman, I am writing my last Chairman’s article. I have enjoyed working with the various leaders of the active Chapter and those alumni who have volunteered their time on the BOT and in other capacities to […]


Fundraising: Delta Alums Continue To Step Up

Bill Beisswanger (‘96) In recent years, I’ve written to you about the importance and the necessity of substantial alumni financial support for ATΩ Delta in the coming years. Among many other smaller projects the past few years, your donations covered the $34,000 cost of the long-needed replacement of the metal roof at 125 Chancellor in […]


Worthy Master Reports on a Strong Year for Delta

Worthy Master Reports on a Strong Year for Delta Ross McSwain ’13   Strong brotherhood? Check. Successful social and philanthropy events? Check. Functioning Chapter house? Check (at least by undergrads’ standards of “functioning”!). True Merit Award? Yes! After such a successful year, I am proud to be Worthy Master of the Delta Chapter of Alpha […]


Board of Trustees Update

Board of Trustees Update by Matt Terry (’02)   Several of you have from time to time asked how you can become involved, as an alumnus, with the progress we are making at the Chapter. Often, the institutional knowledge you possess from having faced the same challenges during your days at the University or your […]


13 New Members Extend String of Strong Recruitment Years

13 New Members Extend String of Strong Recruitment Years by Garrett Barnes (’12)   The 2011-12 academic year marked yet another year of successful rush and recruitment here at the Delta Chapter. Between fall and spring rush, 16 new members accepted bids to the ATΩ house. Our events at rush this year were a mixture […]


Delta Chapter Honored with True Merit Award

Delta Chapter Honored with True Merit Award by Ross McSwain (’13) Brothers, we have done it! After many years of knocking on the proverbial door, the Delta Chapter finally won the True Merit Award in 2011! The True Merit Award, awarded each year by the Alpha Tau Omega national fraternity, recognizes Chapters who excel in […]


Critical Time for 125 Chancellor

Critical Time for 125 Chancellor by Matt Terry (’02) I normally like to open by updating you on the progress we’ve made in the last year. But in case you gloss over the rest of this article: we need to fund the replacement of the party room floors. The need for addressing this as soon […]
